Intervention area: district of Homs, Hamah, Nebek, north of Damascus (Syria)

Italian partners: Cariplo Foundation, Catholic University of Milan, Hope Onlus, Francesco Realmonte Onlus Association, Association of Friends of Deir Mar Musa

Local partners: Monastic Community of Deir Mar Musa

Aim: asylum redevelopment work Nebek severely damaged since the beginning of the Syrian conflict and the formation of the teaching and educational staff.

Since the beginning of the Syrian war, the monastic community Deir Mar Musa is bringing help and support to people affected by the conflict and not fled abroad. The nursery Nebek running since the conflict began in 2011 has never ceased to accommodate children belonging to different religious confessions and ethnic groups becoming a special place that teaches and lives in coexistence.

The conditions of premises used in kindergarten, damaged by bombing, requiring urgent action to upgrade and adequate furniture to start the school year.

The project is half-ended in June 2017: thanks to your contribution, we co-funded the reconstruction of kindergarten, bought a minibus to accompany children to school, and we did educated and psychologically educate teachers who support parents and Children battered by the conflict.

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