INTERVENTION AREA Sulaymanya, Iraqi Kurdistan
LOCAL PARTNER Deir Mar yam Al Adhraa Monastic Community
ITALIAN PARTNER Realmonte Onlus Association, Friends Association of Deir Mar Musa, RiRes - Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (scientific supervision)
BACKGROUND since 2014, the city of Sulemanyah has welcomed refugees belonging to Christian and Yazide minorities displaced by Mosul and countries of the Niniana Plain occupied by ISIS. Now that the fighting is over, they aspire to return to their homes but find them destroyed or occupied.
AIM the humanitarian emergency project focuses on the school and the «resilience guardians» in order to prepare them to help the most vulnerable subjects to face the difficulties.
The training is aimed at educators and local operators in order to activate methodologies already used in contexts affected by conflicts and in the Libyan, Jordanian and Iraqi refugee camps:
- resilience tutors learn to support minors and their families in a process of re-appropriation of a minimum normal life as a result of a progressive recovery from the traumatic experiences caused by the war;
- through fun-expressive activities they help children to find answers to the dilemma on how to cope with the precariousness due to displacement and war;
- training of teaching and psycho-socio-educational staff working in humanitarian organizations and parishes for the promotion of the psycho-physical well-being of children and young people and the stabilization of the Christian community in the Iraqi territories;
- particular attention will be given to the theme of interculture, interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence;
- financial support for the purchase of the bus that accompanies in the city government school the numerous children of the 10 families displaced by Mosul in the Monastery Deir Maryam al-Adhra that otherwise could not attend.
active donators
helped children
active projects
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Sfc School for children