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blossom project

Thanks to donations of 5 per 1000 in 2019, we realized the Blossom project in the holistic medical center of Karunalayam, in Telangana.

In addition to the purchase of games to create a place of entertainment for HIV-positive children whom we support in the studies, we have leveled a contiguous ground to create a cricket, basketball, kabadi field, giving children the opportunity to have fun and get to excel in sport as already they do in the study. We also thought about their safety by installing a protection and security cameras for children who are in an isolated place from the rest of the village.


Grazie alle donazioni del 5 per mille del 2019 abbiamo realizzato nel centro medico olistico di Karunalayam, in Telangana, il progetto Blossom.

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