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help for Ukraine
help for Ukraine
The main objective is the structural adaptation of the two important reception centers managed by the Dorotee nuns which offer refuge to Ukrainian refugees.
Overseas adoption
Overseas adoption
Since 1973, the School for Children aim has been to support the greatest number of children possible coming from situations of malnutrition, illness, abandon, abuse and ill-treatment. The children involved are mostly excluded from castes or tribes, without any form of education and or apparent opportunity for a future.
Manual well construction
Manual well construction
To facilitate the access to drinking water for the rural communities in the districts of Khammam and Warangal, to improve the hygienic and health conditions of the population in the above mentioned area, to strengthen community relations by the forming of committees for maintenance and functioning and to promote an awareness campaign on themes connected to correct water use.

Up to now 167 wells have been constructed.
Water purification
Water purification
One of the major problems in Telengana country is the high concentration of fluorine in the water strata.
The wells permit the acquisition of purified water at the cost of 1 rupee per 20 litres (in comparison with the 10/15 rupees per 20 litres charged by the multinationals).

Up to now 25 purification plants have been built one of them in Mallikamba Institute
Construction of toilets
Construction of toilets
Construction household toilets to improve the surrounding environment, reduce infectious diseases and increase the level of dignity for the people reducing the gap between castes. Expansion of some school buildings with two blocks of toilets divided by gender.
purchase of sewing machines
purchase of sewing machines
General objective
Strengthen within young feminine population the auto management skills; trough transfer of professional know how and expertise, facilitate the entrance into the labour market, in order to reach economic independence and social recognition.
Specific objectives
Facilitate the professional qualification through the realization of tailoring courses
Contribute to young women orientation towards labour market and implement the birth of micro cooperatives
active donators
helped children
active projects
School For Children
Via Cosenz, 35
20158 Milano

Tel: +39 375 556 7039

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